Web Walking: Tutorials for Povray Beginners

by Mike Kost


Looking for break into the exciting world of ray tracing? Can't figure out where to begin? No problem! We've combed the web looking for introductory Povray tutorials to ease the entry into the ray tracing world, and put them together in this 1 page Web Walking collection, all for the low price of $0.00. How can we make money doing this? The answer is simple: volume! [1]

And on that upbeat note, in we go...

Into The Basics - With Pictures!

Christoph Horrman brings us Raytracing and POV-Ray - an introduction. Christoph has 4 web pages covering different aspects of Povray and ray tracing.
Raytracing and POV-Ray image
POV by Phong adds more introductory goodness by walking through basic shapes and textures and ended up in a complex scene.
POV by Phong image
Up next, Computer Graphics with POV-Ray by Friedrich A. Lohmüller. This is a comprehensive set of articles that cover using Povray Windows GUI , shapes, transforms, and writing macros.
Computer Graphics with POV-Ray image
From Michigan Tech, Dr. C.-K. Shene has published An Introduction to POVRAY, written for university students in his class, that covers the basics, provides examples, and includes a few exercises to try out the newfound techniques.
An Introduction to POVRAY image

More Basics - Some Assembly May Be Required

Not all the online tutorials include easily renderable scenes. This doesn't decrease their usefulness. The few below have interesting tidbits to contribute to beginning with Povray.

Closing Comments

As always, is there something missing? Another tutorial that adds to the great Povray discourse? Send it in and it'll get linked up: contact@povray.tashcorp.net.

Notes and Disclaimers

All the images above were rendered from Povray source provided by the linked websites. If there's no easily usable source - no pictures!

[1] - This was a quote from the Saturday Night Live parody commercials about the First Citywide Change Bank part 1 and part 2. Good stuff.

Published: 09/17/05
Last edited: 09/17/05

Copyright (C) 2005 Mike Kost