Mike's Povray Page

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Image Gallery

The image gallery hosts some of my ray-tracing work. There are 3 shots per page. Most are 320x240 thumbnails linked to a more detailed 800x600 image.

Stony Tile Floor
This was an experiment in using isosurfaces and functions to make more realistic stone surfaces. To get the lighting effects, the spheres are painted with filtering pigments and photons are enabled. The only downside is that it dramatically ups the render time. The 800x600 shot took about 16 hrs on an AMD 2000+.
Posted: 7/8/04
Last Change: 7/8/04
Wizard's Christmas
This started with an overwhelming desire to do something with the isosurface tree I had made earlier. It turned into a media experiment to try and get the green cloud just right.
Posted: 7/8/04
Last Change: 10/31/04
Christmas Tree
This shape was the result of playing around with isosurfaces. I found something enjoyable about the way it tapers and curls around to the point. The colors were picked for a Christmas in June theme. The source code is downloadable here
Posted: 6/14/04
Last change: 6/14/04
Cloudy Ocean
I was playing around with KPovModeler and attempting to get some of the cloud results I had seen here. I prefer night scenes and thought that this was a good time to try one. Right now the water is a sphere with a normal applied.
Posted: 6/13/04
Last change: 6/14/04

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