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The Library

The library holds a variety of texture and other rendering graphical references for use with Povray renderings. Right now it's small, but will continue to grow as I discover useful objects, textures, include files, and patterns.

To contribute to the library, e-mail the item to contact@povray.tashcorp.net
realskies.inc Texture Collection
The realskies.inc Texture Collection contains sky_sphere examples that are part of our realskies.inc include file
woods.inc Texture Collection
The woods.inc Texture Collection contains example renderings for all of the woods.inc textures included with Povray 3.6
stones.inc Texture Collection
The stones.inc Texture Collection contains example renderings for all of the stones.inc textures included with Povray 3.6
metals.inc Texture Collection
The metals.inc Texture Collection contains example renderings for all the metals.inc textures included with Povray 3.6
golds.inc Texture Collection
The golds.inc Texture Collection contains example renderings for all the golds.inc textures included with Povray 3.6
colors.inc Example Collection
The colors.inc Example Collection contains example renderings for all the colors.inc colors included with Povray 3.6

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