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Image Gallery

The image gallery hosts some of my ray-tracing work. There are 3 shots per page. Most are 320x240 thumbnails linked to a more detailed 800x600 image.


This was an image created from an image and associated scene description posted by Loki to the newsgroups. It made sense to make the blocks as legos.
Posted: 04/23/2006
Last edited: 04/23/2006

The Beginning

I wanted to spend some time producing more images in the style of "The Present" that I had done previously. Again, the only light source is in the middle of the sphere-glob. Hand coded and rendered in Povray 3.6 under Linux.
Posted: 04/05/2006
Last Change: 04/05/2006

Sunset Spheres

This rendering was done as a new wallpaper for work. It gave me a chance to re-acquaint myself with macros and to use my newly created realskies.inc include file. Image was hand coded and rendered in Povray 3.6 under Linux

Posted: 03/07/2006
Last Change: 03/07/2006
Island View
It's getting cold, and I prefer warm thoughts. This rendering did the trick. The scene was based on an image I found on the net and gave me a chance to work through sky_spheres for an upcoming article (stay tuned). Trees from Arbaro, boat modeled in Wings3D, heightfield done in Gimp, and rendered in Povray 3.6 under Linux.
Posted: 12/02/05
Last Change: 12/02/05
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