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Image Gallery

The image gallery hosts some of my ray-tracing work. There are 3 shots per page. Most are 320x240 thumbnails linked to a more detailed 800x600 image.

Some media fog, an isosurface cavern, and a light source. Mix in lots of rendering time, and out pops this image. Rendered in Povray 3.6
Posted: 11/30/04
Last Change: 11/30/04
The Present
This image was constructed with media and recursive structures. The only light is present inside the box in the middle. The name came from squinting at the picture and seeing what looks like a holiday present wrapped in a ribbon.
Posted: 11/04/04
Last Changed: 11/04/04
Spheres On A Grid
This started as a blatent knock-off of something I saw on Zazzle, but then the development took on a life of it's own. Now I've got a new abstract screen background for KDE. I'm very happy with the depth and color variation I got in the reflected clouds. Modeled in KPovModeler 1.1 and rendered in Povray 3.6
Posted: 10/31/04
Last Change: 11/02/04
This was my entry for the Internet Raytracing Competition Sept-Oct 2004 competition. It depicts a game room as seen through a Kaleidoscope. Kaleidoscope was modeled in KPovModeler 1.1 and rendered in Povray 3.6. Get the Povray source here.
Posted: 10/9/04
Last Change: 11/8/04
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